The Artificial Intelligence for Health Imaging (AI4HI)

About us

The Artificial Intelligence for Health Imaging (AI4HI) projects are a network of multiple EU-funded research projects currently working on developing cancer imaging data repositories and AI solutions based on medical imaging to improve clinical practice.

These projects are PRIMAGE (GA 826494), CHAIMELEON (GA 952172), EuCanImage (GA 952103), INCISIVE (952179), and  ProCAncer-I (GA 952159), RadioVal (GA 101057699)



Our Mission

Revolutionizing Healthcare with AI Expertise 

Aritificial Intelligence for Health Imaging (AI4HI) is a dynamic and innovative cluster of EC-funded projects that brings together researchers, practitioners, and experts from different healthcare-related sectors to facilitate, develop and validate AI solutions in healthcare. With over 130 researchers working across 8 different Working Groups plus a Steering Committee ensuring consistency of wok across all Working Groups, AI4HI has extensive experience in delivering cutting-edge AI solutions for the healthcare industry.

Our approach

Fostering Collaboration, and Pioneering New Initiatives. 

The goal of the working groups is to discuss common topics, issues and solutions and most of the working groups are currently planning to publish a white paper with their results. Contributing institutions recently came together to launch the RadioVval project as well as European Cancer Imaging Initiative (EUCAIM).